RTE France

Hades - Security analysis


To use Hades for security analysis computations, set the SecurityAnalysisFactory property of the componentDefaultConfig module to Hades2SecurityAnalysisFactory.

To setup Hades, configure the hades2 module.


    SecurityAnalysisFactory: com.rte_france.powsybl.hades2.Hades2SecurityAnalysisFactory
    homeDir: /home/user/hades2-V6.7.1.1
    debug: false
    useSax: true




The following example shows how to run a security analysis, using Hades and default configuration:

$> itools security-analysis --case-file case.xiidm
Loading network '../../data/cases/recollement-auto-20180820-1430-enrichi.xiidm'
Pre-contingency violations:
| Action | Equipment (4)  | End     | Country | Base voltage | Violation type | Violation name  | Value      | Limit     | abs(value-limit) | Loading rate % |
|        | VL1_63KV       | VL1     | LU      |           63 | HIGH_VOLTAGE   |                 |    69,2836 |   68,0000 |           1,2836 |         101,89 |
|        | VL2_63KV       | VL2     | BE      |           63 | HIGH_VOLTAGE   |                 |    69,5663 |   68,0000 |           1,5663 |         102,30 |
|        | TR_225KV_63KV  | VL4     | DE      |          225 | CURRENT        | Permanent limit |   532,7011 |  334,2105 |         198,4906 |         159,39 |
|        | VL3_63KV       | VL3     | LU      |           63 | HIGH_VOLTAGE   |                 |    69,2934 |   68,0000 |           1,2934 |         101,90 |

The following example shows how to run a security analysis, using Hades and a specific parameters file:

$> itools security-analysis --case-file case.xiidm --parameters-file hades-sa-parameters.json
Loading network '../../data/cases/recollement-auto-20180820-1430-enrichi.xiidm'
Pre-contingency violations:
| Action | Equipment (4)  | End     | Country | Base voltage | Violation type | Violation name  | Value      | Limit     | abs(value-limit) | Loading rate % |
|        | VL1_63KV       | VL1     | LU      |           63 | HIGH_VOLTAGE   |                 |    69,2836 |   68,0000 |           1,2836 |         101,89 |
|        | VL2_63KV       | VL2     | BE      |           63 | HIGH_VOLTAGE   |                 |    69,5663 |   68,0000 |           1,5663 |         102,30 |
|        | TR_225KV_63KV  | VL4     | DE      |          225 | CURRENT        | Permanent limit |   532,7011 |  334,2105 |         198,4906 |         159,39 |
|        | VL3_63KV       | VL3     | LU      |           63 | HIGH_VOLTAGE   |                 |    69,2934 |   68,0000 |           1,2934 |         101,90 |