The content of the exposed ReLife API. It is where one can find details about object interfaces (how many parameters are needeed by a function, what are their types, etc.).
Lifetime models
Lifetime models are objects whose exposed interface can answer basic probility functions of the survival analysis. In object-oriented programming, one must not see them as a group of probability functions solely : it also encapsulates data like parameters, other nested models, etc.
Exponential lifetime distribution. |
Weibull lifetime distribution. |
Gompertz lifetime distribution. |
Gamma lifetime distribution. |
Log-logistic probability distribution. |
Proportional Hazard regression model. |
Accelerated failure time regression. |
Non-parametric lifetime estimators
Non-parametric lifetime estimators are objects used to compute well-knowns non-parametric estimations of some probability functions. Their exposed interface follows the same logic of lifetime models except that they do not store parameters but estimations of functions values.
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function. |
Kaplan-Meier estimator. |
Nelson-Aalen estimator. |
Turnbull estimator |
Renewal policies
Renewal policies are objects that are generally composed of one underlying renewal process and one or more lifetime model. Their interfaces expose a bunch of statiscal properties like expections and a sample procedure to generate data.
One-cyle age replacement policy. |
One cyle run-to-failure policy |
Run-to-failure renewal policy. |
Time based replacement policy. |
Generic likelihood object for parametric lifetime models |
Decorator models
A decorator model is basically a LifetimeModel object that wraps another LifetimeModel object set as a baseline. Those models mainly deserves to some functionnalities in Policy object but advanced users can clearly use them for a specific purpose. For instance LeftTruncatedModel wraps a baseline model by overriding some of its probibability function in order to take into account the time condition imposed by a left trunctation a0.
Age replacement model. |
Left truncated model. |
Equilibrium distribution. |
Base class
What we call base class are objects (in Python class are objects) used at the core of ReLife subsystems. For beginners, it is not necessary to know them. If you start to inspect ReLife code, you will encounter them regularly in inheritance hierarchy. In fact, most objects created for fiability theory inherits from one of those objects. One can think of them as engines that empower objects with special functionalities to make ReLife model creation easier.
Tree-structured parameters. |
Base class to create a parametric model. |
Base class to create a lifetime model. |
Base class to create a parametric lifetime model |