TRM algorithm is a Maven package that computes the Transmission Reliability Margin, aiming to be a translation in Java code of the article 22 of the CACM regulation 2015/1222. The project relies heavily on the PowSyBl library.
Its key features include:
- Importing data: market-based (D2CF or DACF) and real time snapshot networks, real time GLSK and CRAC.
- Critical Network Element selection: select manually or automatically the interconnections or branches you want to study.
- Operational condition alignment: align the desired operation conditions of the market-based network with those of the real time snapshot (such as remedial actions, branch connection state, inner exchanges, etc.).
- AC sensitivity computation.
- Uncertainty computation.
You can use the package to compute the TRM, based on uncertainties and unintended deviations.
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