Source code for relife.model.base

import copy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import InitVar, asdict, dataclass, field
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, Iterator, Optional, Self, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from scipy.optimize import Bounds, OptimizeResult, minimize, newton

from import LifetimeData, lifetime_data_factory
from relife.likelihoods import LikelihoodFromLifetimes, hessian_from_likelihood
from relife.plots import PlotSurvivalFunc
from relife.quadratures import gauss_legendre, quad_laguerre
from relife.typing import VariadicArgs

[docs] class Parameters: """ Tree-structured parameters. Every ``ParametricModel`` are composed of ``Parameters`` instance. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._node_data = {} if kwargs: self._node_data = kwargs self.parent = None self.leaves = {} self._names, self._values = [], [] @property def node_data(self): """data of current node as dict""" return self._node_data @node_data.setter def node_data(self, new_values: dict[str, Any]): self._node_data = new_values self.update() @property def names(self): """keys of current and leaf nodes as list""" return self._names @names.setter def names(self, new_names: list[str]): self.set_names(new_names) self.update_parents() @property def values(self): """values of current and leaf nodes as list""" return self._values @values.setter def values(self, new_values: list[Any]): self.set_values(new_values) self.update_parents() def set_values(self, new_values: list[Any]): if len(new_values) != len(self): raise ValueError( f"values expects {len(self)} items but got {len(new_values)}" ) self._values = new_values pos = len(self._node_data) self._node_data.update(zip(self._node_data, new_values[:pos])) for leaf in self.leaves.values(): leaf.set_values(new_values[pos : pos + len(leaf)]) pos += len(leaf) def set_names(self, new_names: list[str]): if len(new_names) != len(self): raise ValueError( f"names expects {len(self)} items but got {len(new_names)}" ) self._names = new_names pos = len(self._node_data) self._node_data = {new_names[:pos][i]: v for i, v in self._node_data.values()} for leaf in self.leaves.values(): leaf.set_names(new_names[pos : pos + len(leaf)]) pos += len(leaf) def __len__(self): return len(self._names) def __contains__(self, item): """contains only applies on current node""" return item in self._node_data def __getitem__(self, item): return self._node_data[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._node_data[key] = value self.update() def __delitem__(self, key): del self._node_data[key] self.update() def get_leaf(self, item): return self.leaves[item] def set_leaf(self, key, value): if key not in self.leaves: value.parent = self self.leaves[key] = value self.update() def del_leaf(self, key): del self.leaves[key] self.update()
[docs] def items_walk(self) -> Iterator: """parallel walk through key value pairs""" yield list(self._node_data.items()) for leaf in self.leaves.values(): yield list(chain.from_iterable(leaf.items_walk()))
def all_items(self) -> Iterator: return chain.from_iterable(self.items_walk())
[docs] def update_items(self): """parallel iterations : faster than update_value followed by update_keys""" try: next(self.all_items()) _k, _v = zip(*self.all_items()) self._names = list(_k) self._values = list(_v) except StopIteration: pass
def update_parents(self): if self.parent is not None: self.parent.update()
[docs] def update(self): """update names and values of current and parent nodes""" self.update_items() self.update_parents()
[docs] class ParametricModel: """ Base class to create a parametric model. Any parametric model must inherit from `ParametricModel`. """ def __init__(self): self._params = Parameters() self.leaves = {} @property def params(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ Parameters values. Returns ------- ndarray Parameters values of the model Notes ----- If parameter values are not set, they are encoded as `np.nan` value. Parameters can be by manually setting`params` through its setter, fitting the model if `fit` exists or by specifying all parameters values when the model object is initialized. """ return np.array(self._params.values) @params.setter def params(self, new_values: NDArray[np.float64]): self._params.values = new_values @property def params_names(self): """ Parameters names. Returns ------- list of str Parameters names Notes ----- Parameters values can be requested (a.k.a. get) by their name at instance level. """ return self._params.names @property def nb_params(self): """ Number of parameters. Returns ------- int Number of parameters. """ return len(self._params) @property def _all_params_set(self): return np.isnan(self.params).any() and not np.isnan(self.params).all()
[docs] def compose_with(self, **kwcomponents: Self): """Compose with new ``ParametricModel`` instance(s). This method must be seen as standard function composition exept that objects are not functions but group of functions (as object encapsulates functions). When you compose your ``ParametricModel`` instance with new one(s), the followings happen : - each new parameters are added to the current ``Parameters`` instance - each new `ParametricModel` instance is accessible as a standard attribute Like so, you can request new `ParametricModel` components in current `ParametricModel` instance while setting and getting all parameters. This is usefull when `ParametricModel` can be seen as a nested function (see `Regression`). Parameters ---------- **kwcomponents : variadic named ``ParametricModel`` instance Instance names (keys) are followed by the instances themself (values). Notes ----- If one wants to pass a `dict` of key-value, make sure to unpack the dict with `**` operator or you will get a nasty `TypeError`. """ for name in kwcomponents.keys(): if name in self._params.node_data: raise ValueError(f"{name} already exists as param name") if name in self.leaves: raise ValueError(f"{name} already exists as leaf function") for name, module in kwcomponents.items(): self.leaves[name] = module self._params.set_leaf(f"{name}.params", module._params)
[docs] def new_params(self, **kwparams: float): """Change local parameters structure. This method only affects **local** parameters. `ParametricModel` components are not affected. This is usefull when one wants to change model parameters for any reason. For instance `Regression` models use `new_params` to change number of regression coefficients depending on the number of covariates that are passed to the `fit` method. Parameters ---------- **kwparams : variadic named floats corresponding to new parameters Float names (keys) are followed by float instances (values). Notes ----- If one wants to pass a `dict` of key-value, make sure to unpack the dict with `**` operator or you will get a nasty `TypeError`. """ for name in kwparams.keys(): if name in self.leaves.keys(): raise ValueError(f"{name} already exists as function name") self._params.node_data = kwparams
def __getattr__(self, name: str): class_name = type(self).__name__ if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] if name in super().__getattribute__("_params"): return super().__getattribute__("_params")[name] if name in super().__getattribute__("leaves"): return super().__getattribute__("leaves")[name] raise AttributeError(f"{class_name} has no attribute named {name}") def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any): if name in ["_params", "leaves"]: super().__setattr__(name, value) elif name in self._params: self._params[name] = value elif name in self.leaves: raise ValueError( "Can't modify leaf ParametricComponent. Recreate ParametricComponent instance instead" ) else: super().__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy current instance. Returns ------- An independant copied instance. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] class LifetimeModel(Generic[*VariadicArgs], ABC): """ Base class to create a lifetime model. A lifetime model is an object that can answer to traditional lifetime probability functions (``sf``, ``hf`` etc.) and other common probabilitu functions (``pdf``, ``cdf``, etc.). """ # def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): # """ # TODO : something to parse *args names and to fill args_names and nb_args # see Descriptors # """ # # @property # def args_names(self): # return self._args.names # # @property # def nb_args(self): # return len(self._args)
[docs] @abstractmethod def hf( self, time: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ Hazard function. The hazard function of the distribution Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) Elapsed time. *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Hazard values at each given time. """ if hasattr(self, "pdf") and hasattr(self, "sf"): return self.pdf(time, *args) / self.sf(time, *args) if hasattr(self, "sf"): raise NotImplementedError( """ ReLife does not implement hf as the derivate of chf yet. Consider adding it in future versions see: or : """ ) class_name = type(self).__name__ raise NotImplementedError( f""" {class_name} must implement concrete hf function """ )
[docs] @abstractmethod def chf( self, time: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Cumulative hazard function. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) Elapsed time. *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Cumulative hazard values at each given time. """ if hasattr(self, "sf"): return -np.log(self.sf(time, *args)) if hasattr(self, "pdf") and hasattr(self, "hf"): return -np.log(self.pdf(time, *args) / self.hf(time, *args)) if hasattr(self, "hf"): raise NotImplementedError( """ ReLife does not implement chf as the integration of hf yet. Consider adding it in future versions """ ) class_name = type(self).__name__ raise NotImplementedError( f""" {class_name} must implement concrete chf or at least concrete hf function """ )
[docs] @abstractmethod def sf( self, time: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Survival function. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) Elapsed time. *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Survival function values at each given time. """ if hasattr(self, "chf"): return np.exp( -self.chf( time, *args, ) ) if hasattr(self, "pdf") and hasattr(self, "hf"): return self.pdf(time, *args) / self.hf(time, *args) class_name = type(self).__name__ raise NotImplementedError( f""" {class_name} must implement concrete sf function """ )
[docs] @abstractmethod def pdf( self, time: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Probability density function. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) Elapsed time. *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) The probability density function evaluated at each given time. """ try: return self.sf(time, *args) * self.hf(time, *args) except NotImplementedError as err: class_name = type(self).__name__ raise NotImplementedError( f""" {class_name} must implement pdf or the above functions """ ) from err
[docs] def mrl( self, time: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Mean residual life. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) Elapsed time. *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Mean residual life values. """ sf = self.sf(time, *args) ls = self.ls_integrate(lambda x: x - time, time, np.array(np.inf), *args) if sf.ndim < 2: # 2d to 1d or 0d ls = np.squeeze(ls) return ls / sf
# masked_time: ma.MaskedArray = ma.MaskedArray( # time, time >= self.support_upper_bound # ) # upper_bound = np.broadcast_to( # np.asarray(self.isf(np.array(1e-4), *args)), # time.shape, # ) # masked_upper_bound: ma.MaskedArray = ma.MaskedArray( # upper_bound, time >= self.support_upper_bound # ) # # def integrand(x): # return (x - masked_time) * self.pdf(x, *args) # # integration = gauss_legendre( # integrand, # masked_time, # masked_upper_bound, # ndim=2, # ) + quad_laguerre( # integrand, # masked_upper_bound, # ndim=2, # ) # mrl_values = integration / self.sf(masked_time, *args) # return np.squeeze(ma.filled(mrl_values, 0.0))
[docs] def moment(self, n: int, *args: *VariadicArgs) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """n-th order moment Parameters ---------- n : order of the moment, at least 1. *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (0, ) n-th order moment. """ if n < 1: raise ValueError("order of the moment must be at least 1") ls = self.ls_integrate( lambda x: x**n, np.array(0.0), np.array(np.inf), *args, ) ndim = max(map(np.ndim, args), default=0) if ndim < 2: # 2d to 1d or 0d ls = np.squeeze(ls) return ls
# if bool(args): # return np.broadcast_to(ls, np.broadcast(*args).shape) # return ls # upper_bound = self.isf(np.array(1e-4), *args) # # def integrand(x): # return x**n * self.pdf(x, *args) # # return np.squeeze( # gauss_legendre(integrand, np.array(0.0), upper_bound, ndim=2) # + quad_laguerre(integrand, upper_bound, ndim=2) # )
[docs] def mean(self, *args: *VariadicArgs) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Mean. Parameters ---------- *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (0,) Mean value. """ return self.moment(1, *args)
[docs] def var(self, *args: *VariadicArgs) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Variance. Parameters ---------- *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (0,) Variance value. """ return self.moment(2, *args) - self.moment(1, *args) ** 2
[docs] def isf( self, probability: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs, ): """Inverse survival function. Parameters ---------- probability : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Complement quantile corresponding to probability. """ return newton( lambda x: self.sf(x, *args) - probability, x0=np.zeros_like(probability), )
[docs] def ichf( self, cumulative_hazard_rate: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs, ): """Inverse cumulative hazard function. Parameters ---------- Cumulative hazard rate : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Inverse cumulative hazard values, i.e. time. """ return newton( lambda x: self.chf(x, *args) - cumulative_hazard_rate, x0=np.zeros_like(cumulative_hazard_rate), )
[docs] def cdf( self, time: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Cumulative distribution function. Parameters ---------- time : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Cumulative distribution function values at each given time. """ return 1 - self.sf(time, *args)
[docs] def rvs( self, *args: *VariadicArgs, size: int = 1, seed: Optional[int] = None ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Random variable sampling. Parameters ---------- *args : variadic arguments required by the function size : int, default 1 Sized of the generated sample. seed : int, default None Random seed. Returns ------- ndarray of shape (size, ) Sample of random lifetimes. """ generator = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) probability = generator.uniform(size=size) return self.isf(probability, *args)
[docs] def ppf( self, probability: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Percent point function. Parameters ---------- probability : float or ndarray, shape (n, ) or (m, n) *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (), (n, ) or (m, n) Quantile corresponding to probability. """ return self.isf(1 - probability, *args)
[docs] def median(self, *args: *VariadicArgs) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """Median Parameters ---------- *args : variadic arguments required by the function Returns ------- ndarray of shape (0,) Median value. """ return self.ppf(np.array(0.5), *args)
[docs] def ls_integrate( self, func: Callable[[NDArray[np.float64]], NDArray[np.float64]], a: float | NDArray[np.float64], b: float | NDArray[np.float64], *args: *VariadicArgs, deg: int = 100, ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: r""" Lebesgue-Stieltjes integration. The Lebesgue-Stieljes intregration of a function with respect to the lifetime model taking into account the probability density function and jumps The Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral is: .. math:: \int_a^b g(x) \mathrm{d}F(x) = \int_a^b g(x) f(x)\mathrm{d}x + \sum_i g(a_i) w_i where: - :math:`F` is the cumulative distribution function, - :math:`f` the probability density function of the lifetime model, - :math:`a_i` and :math:`w_i` are the points and weights of the jumps. Parameters ---------- func : callable (in : 1 ndarray, out : 1 ndarray) The callable must have only one ndarray object as argument and returns one ndarray object a : ndarray (max dim of 2) Lower bound(s) of integration. b : ndarray (max dim of 2) Upper bound(s) of integration. If lower bound(s) is infinite, use np.inf as value. args : ndarray (max dim of 2) Other arguments needed by the lifetime model (eg. covariates) deg : int, default 100 Degree of the polynomials interpolation Returns ------- 2d ndarray Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral of func with respect to `cdf` from `a` to `b`. Notes ----- `ls_integrate` operations rely on arguments number of dimensions passed in `a`, `b`, `*args` or any other variable referenced in `func`. Because `func` callable is not easy to inspect, either one must specify the maximum number of dimensions used (0, 1 or 2), or `ls_integrate` converts all these objects to 2d-array. Currently, the second option is prefered. That's why, returns are always 2d-array. """ b = np.minimum(np.inf, b) a, b = np.atleast_2d(*np.broadcast_arrays(a, b)) args_2d = np.atleast_2d(*args) # type: ignore # Ts can't be bounded with current TypeVarTuple if isinstance(args_2d, np.ndarray): args_2d = (args_2d,) def integrand(x: NDArray[np.float64], *_: *VariadicArgs) -> NDArray[np.float64]: return np.atleast_2d(func(x) * self.pdf(x, *_)) if np.all(np.isinf(b)): b = np.atleast_2d(self.isf(np.array(1e-4), *args_2d)) integration = gauss_legendre( integrand, a, b, *args_2d, ndim=2, deg=deg ) + quad_laguerre(integrand, b, *args_2d, ndim=2, deg=deg) else: integration = gauss_legendre(integrand, a, b, *args_2d, ndim=2, deg=deg) # if ndim is not None: # if ndim > 2: # raise ValueError("ndim can't be greater than 2") # try: # integration = np.reshape( # integration, (-1,) + (1,) * (ndim - 1) if ndim > 0 else () # ) # except ValueError: # raise ValueError("incompatible ndim value") return integration
# if broadcast_to is not None: # try: # integration = np.broadcast_to(np.squeeze(integration), broadcast_to) # except ValueError: # raise ValueError("broadcast_to shape value is incompatible") @property def plot(self) -> PlotSurvivalFunc: """Plot""" return PlotSurvivalFunc(self)
@dataclass class FittingResults: """Fitting results of the parametric model.""" nb_samples: InitVar[int] #: Number of observations (samples). opt: InitVar[OptimizeResult] = field( repr=False ) #: Optimization result (see scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult doc). var: Optional[NDArray[np.float64]] = field( repr=False, default=None ) #: Covariance matrix (computed as the inverse of the Hessian matrix) se: NDArray[np.float64] = field( init=False, repr=False ) #: Standard error, square root of the diagonal of the covariance matrix. nb_params: int = field(init=False) #: Number of parameters. AIC: float = field(init=False) #: Akaike Information Criterion. AICc: float = field( init=False ) #: Akaike Information Criterion with a correction for small sample sizes. BIC: float = field(init=False) #: Bayesian Information Criterion. def __post_init__(self, nb_samples, opt): self.nb_params = opt.x.size self.AIC = 2 * self.nb_params + 2 * self.AICc = self.AIC + 2 * self.nb_params * (self.nb_params + 1) / ( nb_samples - self.nb_params - 1 ) self.BIC = np.log(nb_samples) * self.nb_params + 2 * = None if self.var is not None: = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.var)) def standard_error(self, jac_f: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Standard error estimation function. Parameters ---------- jac_f : 1D array The Jacobian of a function f with respect to params. Returns ------- 1D array Standard error for f(params). References ---------- .. [1] Meeker, W. Q., Escobar, L. A., & Pascual, F. G. (2022). Statistical methods for reliability data. John Wiley & Sons. """ # [1] equation B.10 in Appendix return np.sqrt(np.einsum("ni,ij,nj->n", jac_f, self.var, jac_f)) def asdict(self) -> dict: """converts FittingResult into a dictionary. Returns ------- dict Returns the fitting result as a dictionary. """ return asdict(self)
[docs] class ParametricLifetimeModel(LifetimeModel[*VariadicArgs], ParametricModel, ABC): """ Base class to create a parametric lifetime model A parametric lifetime model is an ``LifetimeModel`` having parameters that can be estimated, i.e. it has a `fit` method. """ # def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): # """ # TODO : something to parse *args names and to fill args_names and nb_args # see Descriptors # """ # # @property # def args_names(self): # return self._args.names # # @property # def nb_args(self): # return len(self._args) fitting_results: FittingResults | None def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.fitting_results = None @property @abstractmethod def params_bounds(self) -> Bounds: """Bounds of the parameters Returns ------- Bounds The lower and upper bounds for the parameters. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def init_params(self, lifetime_data: LifetimeData, *args: *VariadicArgs) -> None: """Initialization of the parameters Initialize parameters values with respect to lifetime data. Parameters ---------- lifetime_data : LifetimeData object lalal. args : tuple of numpy arrays lala. """
@property def _default_hess_scheme(self) -> str: return "cs"
[docs] def fit( self, time: NDArray[np.float64], event: Optional[NDArray[np.bool_]] = None, entry: Optional[NDArray[np.float64]] = None, departure: Optional[NDArray[np.float64]] = None, model_args: tuple[*VariadicArgs] = (), inplace: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[Self, None]: """ Estimation of lifetime model parameters with respect to lifetime data. Parameters ---------- time : ndarray (1d or 2d) Observed lifetime values. event : ndarray of boolean values (1d), default is None Boolean indicators tagging lifetime values as right censored or complete. entry : ndarray of float (1d), default is None Left truncations applied to lifetime values. departure : ndarray of float (1d), default is None Right truncations applied to lifetime values. model_args : tuple of ndarray, default is None Other arguments needed by the lifetime model. inplace : boolean, default is True If true, parameters of the lifetime model will be replaced by estimated parameters. **kwargs Extra arguments used by `scipy.minimize`. Default values are: - `method` : `"L-BFGS-B"` - `contraints` : `()` - `tol` : `None` - `callback` : `None` - `options` : `None` - `bounds` : `self.params_bounds` - `x0` : `self.init_params` Returns ------- ndarray of float Estimated parameters. Notes ----- Supported lifetime observations format is either 1d-array or 2d-array. 2d-array is more advanced format that allows to pass other information as left-censored or interval-censored values. In this case, `event` is not needed as 2d-array encodes right-censored values by itself. """ lifetime_data = lifetime_data_factory( time, event, entry, departure, ) optimized_model = self.copy() optimized_model.init_params(lifetime_data, *model_args) # or just optimized_model.init_params(observed_lifetimes, *model_args) likelihood = LikelihoodFromLifetimes( optimized_model, lifetime_data, model_args=model_args ) minimize_kwargs = { "method": kwargs.get("method", "L-BFGS-B"), "constraints": kwargs.get("constraints", ()), "tol": kwargs.get("tol", None), "callback": kwargs.get("callback", None), "options": kwargs.get("options", None), "bounds": kwargs.get("bounds", optimized_model.params_bounds), "x0": kwargs.get("x0", optimized_model.params), } optimizer = minimize( likelihood.negative_log, minimize_kwargs.pop("x0"), jac=None if not likelihood.hasjac else likelihood.jac_negative_log, **minimize_kwargs, ) optimized_model.params = optimizer.x var = np.linalg.inv( hessian_from_likelihood(self._default_hess_scheme)(likelihood) ) optimized_model.fitting_results = FittingResults( len(lifetime_data), optimizer, var ) if inplace: self.init_params(lifetime_data, *model_args) # or just self.init_params(observed_lifetimes, *model_args) self.params = optimized_model.params self.fitting_results = FittingResults(len(lifetime_data), optimizer, var) else: return optimized_model
def __getattribute__(self, item): """control if params are set""" if ( not item.startswith("_") and not not item.startswith("__") and hasattr(LifetimeModel, item) ): if not self._all_params_set: raise ValueError( f"Can't call {item} if one model params is not set. Instanciate fully parametrized model or fit it" ) return super().__getattribute__(item)