Stochastic process sampling#

Suppose we want to sample lifetimes given an end_time and a sampling size. The first and easiest way to visualize the sampling process is to consider one asset :

0 1 2 -> samples_index
4 2 4 -> it.1
1 5 2 -> it.2
2 4 3 -> it.3
2 . 2 -> it.4
3 . . -> it.5
. . . -> StopIteration

As you can see, the sampling generates a sequence of lifetime values per sample index (here size = 3). The sequences generated vary in length depending on whether the cumulative sum of the durations has reached the time limit (here end_time=10).

Sometimes, one wants to generate lifetimes for different assets. In that case, the number of sequences equals the size * nb_assets

0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 -> samples_index
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 -> assets_index
4 2 4 2 5 1 2 4 7 -> it.1
1 5 2 3 6 1 1 4 5 -> it.2
2 4 3 4 . 8 2 2 . -> it.3
2 . 2 3 . 4 3 . . -> it.4
3 . . . . . 1 . . -> it.5
. . . . . . 5 . . -> it.6
. . . . . . . . . -> StopIteration

A simple storage of the generated data would be to translate the array structure shown above in 2d-array, where missing elements are encoded by np.nan or masked in MaskArray-object. The disadvantage of this approach is that it can severely overload memory if the number of masked elements generated becomes very large, as in very large sampling. A better approach is to store the elements in a compacted 1d-array like this :

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 -> samples_index
4 1 2 2 3 2 5 4 4 2 3 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... -> samples_index
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 ... -> assets_index
4 1 2 2 3 2 5 4 4 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 5 6 1 1 8 4 ...

This format is lighter, but requires some index manipulation to easily slice on generated data.

Advantages of generator approach#

At a first glimps, used generator approach in ReLife2 only encapsulates lifetime generation routine in one objet that keeps in memory previous states without recomputing them many times. It is exactly what basic while loop did. But, it offers to advantages in comparison to a while loop :

  • It provides a convenient way to pass other generator routine without creating another RenewalProcess class

  • It avoids code duplication (see init_loop and main_loop) : same generation, only model changes. First generation has only to send its results to main generator


Lifetime generators are first parametrized with : nb_assets, nb_samples, args. It allows to keep in memory the expected rvs_size depending on nb_assets,nb_samples, args. Generators also knows end_time in order to slice uppon valid lifetime values.

Generators receive an 1d of times then : - it yields variable number of computed data - update data in an object

one stacks results :

def stacker(*args):
    init = list(args)
    while True:
        new = yield init
        for i, x in enumerate(new):
            init[i] = np.concatenate((init[i], x))

def generator(..., stacker):
    while True:
        try :
            lifetime = rvs ...
            assets = ...
            stacker.send(lifetime, ...)
            yield stacker

events and a0#

The current implementation has events and a0 providing data for ReplacementPolicyData, which are used to construct lifetime data in to_lifetime_data. However, this introduces cumbersome code in the sample functionalities.

  • if model is LeftTruncated, a0 must be catch for delayed_model only and added to generated lifetimes as a rectification

  • if model is AgeReplacementModel, events that represents right censoring indicators, is conditionned on ar values

So, type checking on model is made combined with ugly numpy slicing to retrieve correct sampled elements. One can propose easier approach with generators : why not just writting those data inside the generation process and not after it was made ?

Solution :

Generation process relies on rvs functionnality of LifetimeModel objects and a0 is an args of those model type. We can modify the rvs function to directly generate rectified lifetimes by incorporating a0: self.baseline(*args, size=size) + a0. This way, we no longer need to check for the LeftTruncated model in the sample function, as the lifetimes will be correctly generated with their final values.

Next, we can handle events more straightforwardly. In the lifetime generator routine, we can add a check for the model type and generate events alongside lifetimes, given the ar values. The CountData can be updated to include events data, which is consistent with the ReplacementPolicyData interface.

With these modifications, the to_lifetime_data function no longer needs to be specific for ReplacementPolicyData subtypes. Every RenewalData can have a to_lifetime_data method, enhancing coherence and consistency. This approach ensures that every sample method of both RenewalProcess and Policy returns objects that can be converted to lifetime data.

sample signature and args#

The sample methods in both RenewalProcess objects and Policy-like objects (see next example) result in a varying interface due to the inclusion of args-like parameters. These parameters are necessary to customize the associated model, reward, and/or discount. I have identified two possible solutions to this problem:

  1. Keep sample as part of the interface, but encapsulate args values in a dictionary of type Dict[str, Any] during object instantiation. The downside of this approach is that users must provide each argument value during instantiation, along with model, reward, and/or discount instances.

  2. Remove sample from the interface and make it a standalone function (sample(obj, nb_sample=10, ...)) or a method within another object, such as Simulator.

The second solution, however, still requires varying sample parametrization depending on the type of object (obj) passed as the first argument. If obj is a RenewalProcess, args would correspond to model_args and optionally delayed_model_args. If obj is a RunToFailure, args would include cp, cf, rate, cp1, and so on. Although this approach could be implemented using single dispatch from functools, it may not be user-friendly, as understanding the various parametrization options would require consulting the documentation.

The first approach could be implemented using a Protocol to define a clear and concise Policy type.`

class Policy(Protocol):
    model: LifetimeModel[*ModelArgs],
    model_args: tuple[*ModelArgs] | tuple[()] = (),
    reward_args : Dict[str, Any],
    nb_assets: int = 1,
    a0: Optional[NDArray[np.float64]] = None,
    delayed_model: LifetimeModel[*DelayedModelArgs],
    delayed_model_args: tuple[*DelayedModelArgs] | tuple[()] = (),

    def expected_total_cost(self, timeline : NDArray[np.float64]) -> NDArray[np.float64]: ...

    def asymptotic_expected_total_cost(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: ...

    def expected_equivalent_annual_cost(self, timeline : NDArray[np.float64]) -> NDArray[np.float64]: ....

    def asymptotic_expected_equivalent_annual_cost(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: ...

    def sample(self, nb_samples : int, : float, random_state = None)

    def fit(self): ...

The issue of args in sample has been addressed by storing them as a dictionary of values. Every method will retrieve the required arg values from this dictionary. From a user’s perspective, every concrete Policy will explicitly state the names of the args needed in reward_args. Only the core of the constructor will fill the dictionary. This attribute could even be a descriptor to automatically control and convert filled args values with respect to nb_assets.

One drawback of solution 2 is that it is more aligned with the object-oriented paradigm and may be less appealing to users who prefer functional programming. It is true that this approach requires users to reinstantiate the Policy-like object each time they want to change args. However, this only adds one additional line of code compared to calling sample with different arguments. Furthermore, the number of given args is significant, and it is likely that users would have already stored them in variables. It is merely a matter of copying and pasting the relevant variables when reinstantiating the object.

NB : Policy objects do not need nor reward or discount attribute. Discount is always exponential and reward is implicit.